David Simms on Steelers: Welcome to the 'good old days' of 2020!

Tanner Eberle. Pic by Hayley RobertsTanner Eberle. Pic by Hayley Roberts
Tanner Eberle. Pic by Hayley Roberts
No one loves our history and our past more than I. I’m often found rambling on about the “Good Old Days”.

In fact our Captain Jonathan Phillips has on a few occasions given me the old “What about us?” and “I’ve heard enough about Turbo Tim”.But the “Good Old Day’s” might be about to change because the “Good Old Days” could just well be “Today”.

How many times have we harped on about “Do you remember when the Arena was full?” and “Remember when we used to sell out?”.

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Well last Saturday we did “Sell Out” with the exception of about 70 seats in the away end or restricted view. Yes almost 9,200 watched that game.

Saturday was in fact the first time since, wait for it, 1995 (The Good Old days) we had attracted three consecutive crowds of over 8,000 paying spectators.

The Steelers are top of the league despite injuries like we have never had.

Our attendances have risen every year since the Smith family took ownership, last year we officially became the leagues best supported club and this season we said “hold my beer” and have increased our fan support even more.

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No longer are the Steelers a 32 days of the year business. Our commercial revenue up, secondary spend on match nights up and a merchandise store online and permanent shop. The Steelers are working 24/7 365 days of the year – “Yes we sold 8 replica shirts on Christmas day”.

Our fans are excited heading to the Arena to see stars like Dowd, O’Connor, Vallerand, DeLuca and Connolly – faces painted with their numbers on, replica shirts sold by the thousand with the new Stars names printed on the back.Messrs Shudra, Priestlay, Cranston, Allison and Vial will never be forgotten. Far from it ,but now we can look forward to a new, bright, secure and exciting future.

In ten years times fans may well say “Do you remember the good old days back in 2020?” If they do then we will have done our job.

What surprises me is that people are still surprised by us. The amount of times I hear “This is my first Steelers game, it’s brilliant” and I say “where do you live?” the reply comes “Mosborough” or “Rotherham” or “Norton”. I shake my head “How long have you lived there?” I ask, “20 years” they reply.

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Our job then is far from over, we need to bang the Steelers drum even louder in 2020.

We need to widen our net of supporters, do even more in the community, obtain more exposure in the media, social media and spread the word through our large Army of fans.

A night out with the Steelers is way different to what it was in 1995, 2005 or even 2015.

Firstly it’s great sport, it has to be, it can’t just be Jumbo Tron’s and great music. The sport is fast, exciting, physical and emotional. Games drain you. We charge for the whole seat at the Arena but you will only ever need the edge of it.

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The family feel and great atmosphere is second to none with us, the connection the club and its players have with the fans is closer than I have ever known or experienced in sport.

We have always been the “Family” club, we’ve had to be.

When we started United and Wednesday were both Premier League sides. Sheffield is an incredible sports city.

There is always something to do in Sheffield, sport, cinema, bowling, theatre, outdoor activities – if we don’t put on a show we don’t survive. So Sheffield, we put on the best show in town.

The Steelers also do one other thing, something a little strange in these towns. They win.

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More league titles in the last 29 years than any other side and more play off championships. Yes we have had our downsides and moments and for sure silverwear has escaped us in the last two seasons.

Now though we sit on top of the league as we start 2020, next week we play the first of two Challenge Cup semi finals against Glasgow Clan. Things are on the up both on the ice and off it.

“I just love the Good Old Days of 2020”.

See you at Church on Sunday. Face Off is at 4pm against the Glasgow Clan – family friendly, have a great night and get the kids home and to bed in time for School on Monday – The Sheffield Steelers, we think of everything.