Starbucks hit back after Sheffield coffee shop daubed with 'Pay your tax' graffiti

The Starbucks in Tudor Square. Photo by Theo CumminsThe Starbucks in Tudor Square. Photo by Theo Cummins
The Starbucks in Tudor Square. Photo by Theo Cummins
This is how the Starbucks coffee shop in Tudor Square, Sheffield, looked this morning.

Vandals splattered the facade of the shop in green paint, leaving the message 'Pay UR tax'.

This photo of the damage was taken by passerby Theo Cummins and posted on Twitter.

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Today the American coffee shop chain hit back at the person responsible for the attack.

A Starbucks spokesman said: "It’s a pity that this vandal is so ill-informed.

"We pay our taxes and in our last financial year we paid over £11m in corporation tax."