Ideological idiocy coming near you

Mike Lawton raises some valid points on 20 mph Zones, (Letters, October 26).

The council were going to do this regardless of what the response was to the “consultation”.

Therefore the next question is “How will it be policed?”

The current 20 mph zones aren’t policed and are therefore routinely ignored.

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If it is to be policed it will almost certainly be via cameras, and this raises the prospect of “revenue by fines”, a major source of council income.

I’m not sure who is responsible for policing traffic in the city centre, but I’m sure the council will find a way of getting their hands on at least some of the revenue, even if it’s the safety camera partnership.

Let’s ask this newspaper to find out!

Remember the minimum fine for speeding offences is £100; and to put this into perspective, police can issue a fixed penalty notice for shoplifting which is only £80.

The council will achieve its objective anyway, as fewer and fewer cars will drive into the city, and more and more shopping will be done either on-line or at the various regional retail centres with their own free parking and easy access.

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