Firwork yobs target police in Sheffield

Superintendent Shaun Morley, of South Yorkshire PoliceSuperintendent Shaun Morley, of South Yorkshire Police
Superintendent Shaun Morley, of South Yorkshire Police
Yobs who hurled fireworks at police officers on a Sheffield estate have been condemned for putting lives at risk.

They threw the missiles at officers who stopped a car driving around Broomhall selling fireworks illegally on the streets.

And when colleagues arrived to help, they too were targeted.

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Police chiefs said it was fortunate nobody was injured in the attacks in Exeter Drive.

Superintendent Shaun Morley, pictured, said: “This was really dangerous. If one of those fireworks had hit anyone the consequences could have been disastrous.”

Extra police patrols have been ordered on the estate tonight, along with other hotspots for firework-related disorder, including Abbeydale, Sharrow and Darnall.

Supt Morley said: “We had officers patrolling Broomhall because we are trying to do a lot of work with potential offenders in the run up to 
Bonfire Night.

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“We stopped a car selling fireworks from the back of it when officers came under attack, with fireworks thrown at them.

“Other police vehicles arrived to assist and they too came under attack.”

He said a ‘substantial’ number of officers would be working today – Bonfire Night – in a bid to prevent a repeat of mayhem experienced in the city over previous years.

The incident comes after a gang of up to 60 thugs hurled fireworks at shops and people on Firth Park road earlier this week.

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And schoolboys caught setting off fireworks on Fargate in Sheffield city centre have been criticised for putting lives at risk yesterday morning,

The youths – boys thought to be around 13 years old – set off the fireworks near to Boots.

Ellen Barr, aged 29, confronted the boys and warned them that they were putting lives at risk.

The incident was reported to South Yorkshire Police and CCTV footage is to be examined in a bid to identify the culprits.

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Mrs Barr said: “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was 8am in a busy city centre - they could have hit anyone.

“I shouted over at them they could kill somebody and they just swore at me and walked off.

“I heard the screech of the fireworks and saw them letting them off into the air. I wouldn’t say they were targeting anyone in particular but they could easily have hit somebody.”

Last year vehicles, homes and businesses were damaged in firework attacks along Abbeydale Road, with three police officers left burnt and bruised after they were hit.

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A fire engine had a brick thrown at it as it drove along the road.

Supt Morley added: “We will be taking a very robust approach to firework related disorder and anti-social behaviour that we may experience. There will be substantial resources in and around Sheffield.

“Youths throwing fireworks are putting themselves at risk, members of the public at risk and police officers at risk and this behaviour is totally inappropriate and unacceptable.”

n Anyone with information should call South Yorkshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.