Delaying Brexit

I am fed up with Tim Farron and Nick Clegg throwing the dummy out of the pram.

The EU must think they can walk all over us the way the Remain lot are trying to halt Brexit.

Jeremy Corbyn says he will support the vote to leave, but what he really means is he will challenge every proposal and delay Brexit for as long as he can.

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Labour say not enough houses are being built, but there will never be enough unless something is done about our never-ending growth in population.

Pensioners are being blamed for the pressures on hospitals, but schools are also under pressure. I hadn’t realised pensioners had gone back to school.

Worried pensioner


Begging for our freedom

So we can no longer call ourselves a democracy – we are ruled by the rich and famous, as we suspected.

The so-called judges who gave their Brexit ruling were not impartial – many were pro-EU and had connections there. Surely a conflict of interest?

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The remainers will now do everything in their power to stall/delay/thwart our exit from the EU and I shall be surprised if we ever manage to leave. I think it’s a disgraceful situation.

What was the point of a referendum if the result can be ignored by MPs who should be standing up for their constituents and not pushing their own agendas because they, of course, know better than we the voters do.

If the delay gets worse then we should have a general election and we can then vote for people who hold the same view as ourselves on the EU. This all feels like we are slaves begging for our freedom.