Sheffield pervert caught with indecent images of children after police raid

Sheffield Crown Court, pictured, heard how a pervert was caught with indecent images of children after police raided his former Sheffield home.Sheffield Crown Court, pictured, heard how a pervert was caught with indecent images of children after police raided his former Sheffield home.
Sheffield Crown Court, pictured, heard how a pervert was caught with indecent images of children after police raided his former Sheffield home.
A pervert who was caught by police with indecent images of children on five electronic devices after a raid at his home has narrowly been spared from prison.

Sheffield Crown Court heard on December 16 how Christopher Grimes, aged 37, of St Barnabas Road, Highfield, Sheffield, was caught with three category B images and 50 category C images which he had downloaded, with category C being the least serious on a scale where category A is regarded as the most serious.

Grimes was also caught with two prohibited images of children which had also been downloaded, according to the court.

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Ian Goldsack, prosecuting, said police executed a search warrant at the defendant’s former home on Southey Green Road, Southey Green, Sheffield, on August 7, 2018, and Grimes was arrested and taken to the police station.

Grimes made “extensive admissions” of wrong-doing to the police, according to Mr Goldsack, and the defendant said that he alone was responsible for the offending linked to the material on five devices which included teenagers under the age of 16.

Mr Goldsack added: “The defendant co-operated with a second interview and he confirmed the admissions made and he had obtained sexual gratification though he denied having a sexual interest in children.”

Grimes, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to making three category B images and 50 category C images and to possessing two prohibited images of children from between July, 2013, and August, 2018.

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Chris Brewin, defending, said members of the defendant’s extended family do not want to have anything to do with him and his relationship with his partner hangs by a thread but he is a person suitable for treatment.

Judge Sarah Wright told Grimes: “You have been charged and pleaded guilty to making indecent images. That means you have downloaded them for your own sexual gratification.”

She added child pornography involves offences being committed against defenceless children and a consumer of such images causes others to make such material.

Judge Wright sentenced Grimes to a two-year community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

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Grimes was made subject to the Sex Offender Register and to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for five years. He must also pay £255 costs.

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