Going on holiday? Here are 7 things you might not know are BANNED from your hand luggage

Marmite is bannedMarmite is banned
Marmite is banned
Holidaymakers planning to save time at the airport by forgoing their suitcases have been warned they could easily fall foul of flight restrictions.

Experts at MyBaggage.com warn that although taking on only hand luggage may reduce flight prices, not fully reading the restrictions issued by airlines could cause a lot of upset upon arrival at security.

Items which travellers will want to leave out of their hand luggage include baby food and hair dye.

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Marmite is bannedMarmite is banned
Marmite is banned

A spokesperson from My Baggage said: “Ensuring everything you pack at home is allowed onto the plane is an easy way to prevent a stressful experience once you reach the airport.

“Some items you might not think as a problem when packing, but when safety is considered it becomes clear why they aren’t allowed in hand luggage.

“Having items removed from you and potentially being handed a fine is not how you want to start, or end, your trip away. Each airline may have different restrictions, so it’s important to check every time you fly.”

This is the list from MyBaggage.com to help keep your flying experience as stress-free as possible:

1. Hair Dye

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If changing your hair colour was at the top of your holiday list, think again. The chemical Peroxide found within the dye is banned from airplanes.

2. Marmite

Due to the consistency of the spread, no more than 100ml can be carried onto the plane in hand luggage. Similar home-comforts such as jams and honey also fall foul of the liquid restrictions.

3. Corkscrew

If you were planning on having a bottle of wine or two once you reached your destination, it would be best to keep to screw caps, or buy a corkscrew once you arrive.

4. Frozen Food

What might have been frozen when you placed it into your bag could be de-frosted once you reach check-in. This means that you could be in breach of the 100ml of liquid limit on flights.

5. Baby Food

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